Tag Archives: Montessori Education

Montessori Myths

It is a given that anything that has been around for as long as the Montessori Method (over 108 years now) that it will at times be misunderstood, miscommunicated, criticized and poorly defined.  And so, over the years, many things have been said about the approach to developmental education that Dr. Maria Montessori pioneered in […]

Movement in Education

There is growing talk about the value and need of movement in schools. Bloggers write about it and research shows the relationship between movement and brain development. However, for conventional schools, they simply aren’t sure how to fit this in. More time outside? Regularly scheduled intervals for “movement”? Allow children to wander the classroom while […]

You Can’t Teach That

There are so many things that traditional schools try to “teach” that simply can’t be taught. You can’t “teach peace” or “tolerance”, for example.  You can develop a “curriculum unit” around these, have stories and talk about peace/tolerance, make cross-words and word-finds and other “fun tools” (yes, let’s never forget that it needs to be […]